
Expressions has been an integral part of 利记APP官网手机版 since it began in 1985. It was started by Sue L. Wright, an English Instructor here on campus. Sally Byrd was the following editor, and though she has since retired, showered the magazine with love. The current editor-in-chief is Caitlin James, also an English Instructor. Caitlin and her husband edit and format the magazine from their home, and then have it hand-bound and printed by a local shop in Beaumont. Entries are collected from students by many different faculty members, including Art instructors, English instructors, and so on. Expressions magazine contains the work of current 利记APP官网手机版 students, including our inmate population. Phi Theta Kappa also contributes to the magazine by sponsoring a special essay category every two years. 

Each category has a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place and an undetermined amount of honorable mentions. While the categories sometimes change, the mission has always been to showcase and honor our students and their incredible talents. Looking through the magazine, you will see all sorts of wonderful artwork, drawings, photography, and even a newer category, digital art. You will also see the fabulous and diverse types of writing our students are capable of, for example, short stories, essays, analysis, research, and even poetry.

The judging process is done by a panel of judges (often our own faculty and staff) and is always blind. The judges do not see any student names of any of the pieces they are judging. After the submissions are judged, they are returned to the editor who then creates the magazine each Spring semester.