Drafting Technology

The Drafting Technology Program is designed to prepare students for employment in a variety of positions in the drafting field. The program provides learning opportunities that introduce, develop, and reinforce academic and technical knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement.

Drafters prepare precise drawings and specifications from sketches, field notes, and other information furnished by an engineer or a designer. They also calculate the quality, quantity, and cost of materials. Final drawings, either by use of the computer or by conventional drafting procedures, contain a detailed view of the object as well as specifications for materials to be used, procedures to be followed, and other information to carry out the job.

Students interested in a career in drafting should be able to do detailed work requiring a high degree of accuracy, have good eyesight and eye-hand coordination, and be able to function as part of a team since they will work directly with engineers and skilled workers.

Program Outcomes

  • Utilize drafting and CAD terminology, symbols and commands.
  • Practice ethical and professional practices in drafting.
  • Draw completed sets of plans for construction and manufacturing.
  • Utilize mathematical principles and measurements in order to create drawings.

Critical Thinking
Empirical and Quantitative Reasoning
Social Responsibility
Personal Responsibility
Create Electrical Schematics and Technical Drawings
Proficiency in AutoCAD Software

Career Information

A degree in Drafting technology opens opportunities in Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical Drafting, Mapping Technology, Commercial and Industrial Design. 


Recommended Program of Study: Associate of Applied Science
Course Title SCH
First Semester
DFTG 1305 Introduction to Technical Drawing 3
DFTG 1333 Mechanical Drafting 3
DFTG 1317 Architectural Drafting – Residential 3
DFTG 1345 Parametric Modeling and Design 3
DFTG 1309 Basic Computer-Aided Drafting 3
Second Semester
ARCE 1352 Structural Drafting 3
DFTG 2319 Intermediate Computer-Aided Drafting 3
DFTG 1330 Civil Drafting I 3
DFTG 2323 Pipe Drafting 4
TECM 1301 Industrial Mathematics 3
Third Semester
DFTG 2332 Advanced Computer-Aided Drafting 3
DFTG 2308 Instrumentation Drafting 3
DFTG 2345 Advanced Pipe Drafting 3
ELECTIVE Social/Behavioral Science 3
SPCH 1315 Public Speaking 3
Fourth Semester
ELECTIVE Humanities/Fine Arts 3
DFTG 2338 OR DFTG 2386 Final Project OR Internship 3
DFTG 2386 Internship - Drafting and Design Technology 3
ENGL 2311 Technical & Business Writing 3
POFT 2312 Business Correspondence & Communication 3
DFTG 2300 Intermediate Architectural Drafting Residential  
Total   60

Recommended Program of Study: Certificate
course title sch
First Semester
DFTG 1305 Introduction to Technical Drawing 3
DFTG 1333 Mechanical Drafting 3
DFTG 1317 Architectural Drafting-Residential 3
DFTG 1345 Parametric Modeling and Design 3
DFTG 1309 Basic Computer-Aided Drafting 3
Second Semester
ARCE 1352 Structural Drafting 3
DFTG 2319 Intermediate Computer-Aided Drafting 3
DFTG 1330 Civil Drafting I 4
DFTG 2323 Pipe Drafting 3
TECM 1301 Industrial Mathematics 3
Total   30

Students may pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering.

What kind of salary can I expect?

According to O*NET OnLine the role of drafter has a bright outlook and the local salary is typically $25.71 per hour. Other areas of the state have a slightly higher salary range.

How long will the degree take?

The typical amount of time to complete an associate’s degree is two years. A certificate usually takes one year to complete.

Do you have job placement help?

利记APP官网手机版 does provide job assistance. We have a job board that all students can access throughout their time at school.

Brent Campbell

Sheila Guillot

Joseph Arisco

Alpha Beta Gamma

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Associate of Applied Science



Academic Transfer Degree

Leads to a BS degree in Industrial Engineering at a four-year college/university


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