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The College Catalog contains a wealth of information. The catalog has been divided into sections that should greatly enhance your ability to find information. We highly recommend you browse the College Catalog or explore the links above on this page before you submit your inquiry.

NOTE: Items marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

To help us route your request or comments approrpriately, please let us know what it is referencing. You may select from 利记APP官网手机版's educational programs or other services (e.g., admissions, financial aid, college operations, workforce & continuing education, website feedback).
Mailing Address:
Lamar State College Port Arthur
PO Box 310
Port Arthur, TX 77641
Physical Address: 
Lamar State College Port Arthur
1500 Procter Street
Port Arthur, TX 77640
(409) 983-4921
(800) 477-5872